Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mountains in Henderson, Nevada...picture taken in Sun City Anthem.

You don't have ask what’s right for you
You always know in your heart what to do.

I believe that we all know, deep down inside,

the difference between right and wrong.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My front yard in late winter, very early spring in Connecticut

Our bodies are a sacred suit we must wear
Over our souls with great and precious

Our souls are covered by a sort of suit. That suit can be big,

small, black, white, brown, wrinkled, soft, etc. Under those

suits, we are all the same wonderful spirit of light.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The ocean and sunset in is beautiful!

Life is either a series of happy things

or life is a series of miserable stings

You get to decide by your attitude!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mom's Nuggets

Fountain at my house when I lived in Connecticut

I think you know it's true

That God is always there for you!

Any time you feel weak or without power, remember that the

most wonderful power of all can be easily accessed...

All you have to do is ask.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Nevada Sky....Am I blessed, or what?
This is the sky right in front of my house!

Let go of your breath, let go right now
Imagine the freedom it will allow.

We have a tendency to hold our breath when
we are stressed. We breathe in, but we forget to
breathe out. Let go and EXHALE and you will
be surprised at how much stress will be relieved!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Picture taken at the beach on Long Island, New York

Root yourself in God's love to grow

And ground yourself there in case the winds blow

God's love is like the earth...

It feeds you so you can become strong.

You just have to remember your roots!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This picture was taken on the beach in Long Island, New York

Words are thoughts expressed

Be they blessed or stressed

Be careful what you say...

Words have a way of boomeraging back!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

That divine spark which lives in our soul
Makes us powerful, makes us whole.

We sometimes forget that we have a soul.
We think our power has to come from our body and mind,
but the soul has inner wisdom and we need to listen to that wisdom.

(Please note that yesterday and today's pictures

were taken in front of my house...ah, the western sky!

Did you notice the Angel in the clouds in yesterday's picture?)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mom's Nuggets

Take a deep breath and then let it all out

That's what life is all about.

Don't forget that the first thing you do when you are born is INHALE

and the last thing you do before you die is EXHALE...

Life is all the breaths in between.